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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Overview of the house so far

This morning I decided to take a picture of the house as it is now. It's really starting to take shape!

None of the second floor rooms are attached yet, and the changing room to the spa isn't hinged to the house yet, but it gives you an idea of how the house looks up to this point.

I'm starting the second tatami room, which I call the dragon room because of the paper. The dragons are a bit large, but this handmade paper is really gorgeous in person, so I had to use it. I just figure an artist stayed there and papered the wall, then painted big gold dragons on it. :-) In person, it is such beautiful paper that it looks fine in the room. I got the back wall and floor done last night, as well as putting the ceiling on the left tatami room.

I'm also relieved because I found the tiny pieces for a little overhang that goes over the fusuma (sliding doors) to the left tatami room. When I open each chapter, if there are really tiny pieces which might get lost before I get to them, I put them into little zip lock bags. Well, I misplaced the bag of tiny pieces, and was afraid I would have to make pieces to replace them. Anyway, I found them last night, so now I am working on the little overhang, and will probably be able to finish it and put it onto the wall tonight.

There isn't much furniture in there right now because I don't want to break it while I work on the house.

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